Monday, December 29, 2008

A Collection of Inspired Moments

Brutalism Decorates for the Holidays

The Death of a Dream

Miscommunication on Public Transportation

Refined Civilization or Personal Weakness

One Last Night on the Charles

Nature has no Concept of Indoors

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

This crazy life

So I am writing a paper on the Dine, accent on the e, also known as the Navajo.  It has been a very educational experience.  I was just going through my iPhoto library and I saw this picture of a mural that I had taken on an adventure through Jamaica Plain, and it is clearly of a Navajo woman, with pictures of Navajo pottery to the right of the photographs edge.  Perhaps this mural was a sign that I would write about said topic, or perhaps it was the subconscious inspiration.

On another note, its winter, its finals season, life is crazy, and it gets dark at 4pm, not a fan.  I have mixed feelings about going home but I am excited for coffee with czech-face, seeing my sister, doing some random crap, and hopefully having a generally good break before getting back to the action!  The oppressive winter and having missed temple last week due to a birthday party makes me a little anxious.  I feel as though Marsh Chapel is some local God of Winter, and when I walk by it just asserts its imposing presence, large, cold, stone, in the darkness.
Enough of that nonsense talk!  Its dinner time and I need to write my last journal entry on Latin America!