Sunday, August 3, 2008

Ultimate Death Match, Pro Wrestlers Vs. Poli-Sci Majors

As a child, I lived on a street with a variety of different kids my age, and one Willie Jenson always made me laugh with his passion for wrestling.  Now I was a skeptical "smarter than thou" child who thought I was better than all those ignorant people.  Wrestlers are retards (Sidenote, retarded people are wonderful and beautiful human beings that I would never seek to offend and often live with a level of sincerity that non-handicapped people could learn from) and anyone who likes them is stupid.  Well today, I am stupid, really really stupid, because I am a fan of Jesse Ventura.  Not because he's a wrestler but because he was governor of Minnesota for the Reform Party (Which the Minnesota branch later broke from).  He is a rare example of a third party making it to a significant office, and his policies were pretty sound too!

I guess the question is, why would I like someone who ever used steroids (And if you say, 'I would never vote for someone who used steroids' which he used to heal faster from his occupation, you better as hell say also that you would never vote for a politician who tried cocaine for fun(Obama) or marijuana(Bush)) and participated in a farce of equal ridiculousness to a session of congress?  Me, Brian, Mr.Principle, blah blah.  What I want in a leader is a strong-willed person who will stick to a set of principles not to be sold out while in office.  It is about a leader who can lead and inspire the people to a philosophy (And I do not mean the vague philosophy of Obama) and who can admit that he does not have all the answers (Which Ventura said frequently during debates) but that he would defer to trusted experts on certain issues.  A Leader is a thing of spirit and wisdom, the practical administration should be done by advisors.  Leader's embody the direction and the philosophy, advisors run the details.  Thats the way it was done in the old times (during good governments) but now we elect bureaucrats for being great bureaucrats.  Then again if I had my way I would replace the president of the United States with a Native American chief for a term, and have all members of congress cleared out for a completely fresh outsider congress.  See what happens then (The ensuing chaos while all the issues with the radicalness and inexperiece were worked out would be better than the organized bureaucratic insiders with their spiritual deadness).  I think it might look something like unicorns and rainbows.  Picture foreign dignitaries being greeted by the man below.  As I said, people with degrees can do the paperwork, people with wisdom can lead the country.

Jesse Ventura is a simple minded man.  Straight talk, strong libertarian principles, dislike of the establishment, thats all that I need.  You can see right through him, he's transparent.  I would pick a simple-minded leader over a clever leader any day, Lao Tzu would be proud of me.  Mr. Ventura, I hope we get to see you return to politics.

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