Wednesday, November 5, 2008


There are drunk and cheering people everywhere.  Horns are honking, and more horns in response, as people yell and dance in the streets.  There is a very sincere joy in the people I walk by as they smile as though they just had their first kiss, a kind of giddy unrestrainable smile.  I cannot help but be happy for their happiness, and get caught up in their joy =]
If he is as good as they believe, I will be very content with his presidency.  I am a little bit uneasy that the democrats just took over both houses in addition to the presidency though... At least we'll finally get some liberal judges who realize that the constitution is not an opportunity to legislate lifestyle.


Guy Faux said...

he won't be, the beliefs are deux ex machina. but he could be pretty damn good, and, well, a fair sight better than the terrifying combination that was the alternative. I must say I spent this night hugging and screaming and hugging and kissing and being told I was too cynical. I know I shouldn't be, but right now I am filled with ideals and hope. Because ideas don't die.

Remember, remember, the fifth, of November.

Nomad Turtle said...

A 5th of november would be a third party presence. CNN doesn't even have the decency to put down what portion of an area voted independent (Only on the breakdown of gender and age). Go to the Vermont Governor race, there is obviously a major independent but it is hard to see how much percent he got because you have to do the math yourself. I hate the media.

Guy Faux said...

You live in a bilateral country. Deal with it. I voted libertarian for one of the positions because both the other candidates were hicks who hated gays, so I couldn't actually vote for them. I did vote, however, and proudly, for barack obama.