Friday, June 19, 2009


My close friend Christine recently empowered me to come and visit her, and also to see the West Coast for the first time.  The trip was simultaneously beautiful, fun, social, and stressful.  The main characters of the expedition being this lovely duo, Christine and her New Zealand counterpart Jen.  I am very tired, and the pictures came out in a random order, so I will briefly comment on each one.

We encountered a dead Sea Lion.  It put me into a meditative state.

All of the beaches were lined with cliffside.

It was almost always cloudy, which made for a strange sunset on highway one.

The nature was quite striking

The ruins of a cannery interested me, considering that California is one of those places that are so relatively recent to western society, that it is odd to think that it could have ruins at all.
I wasn't sure what I was going to think of San Francisco.  I have to say, it was very gay, and simultaneously very taoist.  Not a combination I expected.
I thoroughly enjoyed the culture

This post is such a cop out, but its bedtime.

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