Monday, September 8, 2008

Cruising Boston Edition 1

These pictures have been accumulated, some times randomly, over a couple of different adventures (Minus the Boston University pictures)

A random picture of Downtown Boston, I will need to get more pictures of this neighborhood.  Go trolley Go!

I absolutely love this park.  I call it the water-slate park and nobody ever knows what the hell I am talking about.  So it is located between the North End and Downtown, and it has this slightly slanted slate that water runs through, and people come and walk in it and have water run over their feet.  It is an extremely simple idea that I REALLY FREAKING LOVE!!!  It also has a breathtaking view of the nearby downtown.  Can you see the water running over it?

This was with Christine while we were on the waterfront part of the North End.  That guy in the white shirt was a hilarious old Italian man playing Bocce.  He would make calls in an Italian accent "Ohhhh, I knew that one was no good as soon as I let it go"  We watched them play for half an hour with a nice ocean breeze, but we could not for the life of us figure out the rules.

So these next pictures are all Boston's Backbay residential neighborhood that is really rich and yet surprisingly prolific.  In Confessions of an Economic hitman, the economist in question lives here.  You will note that it is all pictures of buildings, as I am obsessed with architecture.  Long long rows of parallel streets with townhouses just like these are everywhere, I tried to get images that captured that proliferates the neighborhood, but it was hard, since there are so few exemplary homes, just a general feeling of aesthetic design.

This one particular picture below is actually the beginning of BU's baystate road housing.  I actually do think these residences are exemplary.

There is this one metal used in buildings that is everywhere in Boston, and its entire selling point is that when it rusts, it turns teal.  Behold it in all of its glory.

Trolley in backbay

A standard back bay home

And now to Boston University, this is splash, where I had to work for boardgames club.  I hated this when I was a freshman, and I didn't really enjoy it this year either.

BU is so proud of its gigantic new fitness center (This is not even half of it, it truly is wild, and I don't use it at all because I am not a fan of running in place, I would rather ride my bike because then I can A: explore and B: admire buildings)  It boasts the biggest rock climbing wall in Boston, no substitute for a real mountain, and a lazy river, which I have yet to try out.

This is the best part of the Warren Towers dining hall.  Every morning I eat breakfast and stare out this window, and the view is breathtaking.  The most curious aspect of the vast window seats is that people would rather sit in the room where all the food is rather than carry their tray to the window.  Its their loss I guess.  Note the School of Management(Far Left), Citgo Sign (Red Triangle), Prudential Building (Center Skyscraper, also location of Corporation that Economic Hitman works for), Morse Auditorium(Green Wall with dome), Com Fountain (That stone thing on the lawn), and Commonwealth Avenue, the main artery of Boston.

The Castle, a landmark building on campus, what the hell anyone does there, I have no clue.  I think the Nobel Laureates hang out there though when they meet with the kids who have full scholarships, but I am not sure.  Either way, it is gorgeous with and without the Ivy.

A closeup

The next pictures are all in Central Square and vicinity in Cambridge.  I freaking love this house with the weirdo art people.  There is a good chance of drug influence on that fence.

The church in Central Square, awesome churches are all over Boston and I have always appreciated the love that went into the architecture of old churches.  If only that bustop weren't in the way.

An American Mural, a tribute to diversity.  I couldn't even get the whole thing, it was very wide.  The wild diversity of America is something that helps us stand out among many other parts of the world I think.

This building houses my favorite coffee shop in Boston, 1369 and it is fortunate that Central Square is only a 20 minute walk from BU, heck from end to end of BU it is a 30 minute walk!

A close-up of my beloved cafe.  My two other cafe's are Diesel in Davis Square (Which is always fun because it is full of really distinctive and artistic lesbians and has that reputation) and Napoli Pastry in the North End (I have to admit, I am partial to the cafe since the owners are from Naples, and one of the few European roots I can claim is that two of my great grandparents were from rural town above Naples, the other is my two great grandparents from Galway Ireland)

AHHHHH!  There are so many more pictures I need to take.  Particularly of buildings.


Anonymous said...

The house with the strange fence use to be located a couple of blocks away where University Park is now. The owner was the last hold out in an effort to block the development. MIT gave and moved the house to the current owner in order to be able to start the project.

Nomad Turtle said...

Wow, thank you for the information. I feel fortunate that you stumbled on my blog to give me the story, I have a great sympathy for the people who try to block the endless cycle of development. How did you find this blog?

Guy Faux said...

nice. that water slate park seems frankly amazing. I have so much to write about here, and I can't fit it all! do you bike during the winter?