Sunday, September 14, 2008

A Temple in my Room

Reverend Sa has me on this 30 day prayer that has caused me to make a small temple in my room on a daily basis.  Everyday I meditate for 3 minutes, chant Young-Joo, read a prayer written by Reverend Sa about myself, do 40 full bows (It is actually a lot of exercise), chant Il-Won Sang Vow, Heart Sutra, and Chong Jong Joo, and read a chapter of the scripture.  Lets just say, it is pretty effective at making me remember every day that I am trying to implement Won Buddhism to make myself a better person.  I think more about Buddhism when I practice this and it really is a practical tool for me.  My classmates are not exactly on the same page.

The windows across from my window are all females facing all males, which is some sort of haha joke established by the administrators of old and kept as some perverted tradition.  Having done the Warren Towers experience twice now, I can say that this is the second set of freshman I have watched put up signs like this in their windows.  Note that the one girl was smart enough to realize she should invert the letter C but not smart enough to realize that she also needed to invert the phone number.  Going to college, a sure sign of intelligence and wisdom.  Signs I didn't take pictures of but are up right now include "Let's Sex Party" "Free Sex" "Call # for Sex" and another penis picture.  Classy Girls if I do say so myself.  I have debated putting up a sign in my window saying "Reading is Hot" and putting up a picture of glasses, but I haven't simply because I do not want to start receiving solicitations from girls.

In conclusion, Gate Gate Para Gate Parasam Gate Bodhisvaha.

1 comment:

Guy Faux said...

I know the feeling oh so well - during my frosh week (which is not alcohol-free) our leaders decided to put sexual innuendo on the backs of all the freshmen (it wasn't so much innuendo as ridiculous vulgarity). I always wonder what I should do. However, putting up a "reading is sexy" sign is always a good call. Beware of feeling superior or disgusted though - I think it's a trap we can both fall into rather quickly and it's a bad way too be.

When I broke my face and suffered from post-traumatic stress disorder, I chanted "Gate gate parasam gate parasam gate bodhisvaha" while the lights played in front of my eyes. It was actually very helpful.

Sorry for the novel.