Today I got a latte before work at Espresso Royale, I was quite pleased with my table. Warning: Table may or may not accurately depict the feats of Neal Armstrong.
In Soviet Boston, beer drinks you.
Sometimes Americans are really really patriotic.
If you wander around through obscure peers, you may find a movie set with Julia Roberts. This is the edge of Fan Pier near a big empty parking lot. My best guess after a little research is that it is the movie Duplicity. Note that Julia Roberts is the small shady figure near the big white slanted rectangle. They shooed me away so this is the best I got. I thought I was special until my friends told me they saw Bruce Willis filming a movie on BU campus over the summer. They said that it must have been a pretty boring Bruce Willis film since there were no explosions.
1 comment:
best post yet.
crustacean playa.
please, please, fate, allow me to use that in conversation.
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