Monday, October 6, 2008

The Church in the Ghetto

Awhile back I learned through experience that South Boston is the poor neighborhood for this city.  When I was riding my bike through it I felt as though I was in an unsafe neighborhood in Philadelphia, and this would not have been a problem, but as usual, the sun was setting while I was playing in the city.  I decided it was a good time to leave but I needed a good picture first, and I saw the top of a church a few blocks away so I decided to check it out.  I fell in love with the sight.
I felt like I was looking at christianity through the eyes of the minimum wage laborer.  A glum neighborhood, with a glum church, and a display that spoke darkly of the crucifixion.

Perhaps I misinterpreted what I saw, perhaps this display was made in jubilation, but it sent me tones of depression.

Just a thought.

P.S. Note that the center window is just a circle, this intrigued me.  The outer windows are other known christian symbols (Is that right one also masonic?).

1 comment:

chicmonk said...

I know..I'm getting really bad at updating my blog but things have been pretty hectic over here. Glad to see that you're discovering Boston and posting up some neat pics....