Friday, October 3, 2008

Cruising Boston: Architecture

Simply love

boston is covered in churches.  In a small area downtown there are at least 15 churches, I tried to count them, but when they are on every street corner, you just can't keep track without physically mapping their locations.  This one is fairly representative, and the details on it were spectacular.  Unfortunately, I could not get far enough away from it to get a good picture, the others were worse.
This is the roof of one of the more famous central churches
One of many
I cannot place where I saw this wonderful corner building, which is odd because I usually know where everything is.
I love this doorway!  It is the entrance to stone condominiums and the edge is an elaborately engraved celtic knot

Ok so these next pictures are of the Mother Church of Christian Science, strange beliefs, creepy size, beautiful architecture, certainly the most architecturally stunning church in all of Boston

Rogue Turtle makes an appearance

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