Saturday, October 25, 2008

The Stata Center, Frank Gehry, and Modern Architecture

I am going to start off with my bias:  I don't like modern architecture.  I will then move to my second bias:  I find Frank Gehry to have an ego the size of a whale and I believe egoism more than artistic vision plays into his creations.

In nature, things have patterns, and many animals also demonstrate symmetry.  It is quite beautiful.  I love architecture from so many different places, the asian, the arab, the european, the mesoamerican and incan, I can appreciate pretty much anything that is well built.  The Stata Center at MIT is not even well built, heck, MIT sued Frank Gehry for all of the problems they are having with the building!  The whole point of the building is that there are no patterns, it defies all algorithms, and in that it defies nature.  I hate to tell Frank Gehry this but, we are a part of nature and nature is a part of our souls.  This is supposed to be one of the great works of Modern architecture and it is a total piece of crap!  I went and saw it for myself in person, and the first thing I noticed is that it is huge, much bigger then the pictures make it look.  It is a HUGE piece of crap!

Nature is fighting the Modern World and the Modern World is winning.  I found this on the sidewalk that I took the first picture from and it pretty much summed up how I felt about this work.


Guy Faux said...

that's funny, because I like it, at least from the pictures.

Nomad Turtle said...

I was happy with the pictures I took, if only the pictures were just art, and not buildings. These kinds of forms have already appeared in art and sculptures. But this building leaks, it has a serious mold problem (It is brand new) and I have heard that the gigantic jagged metal roofs create dangerous ice shards that crash into the street and sometimes block exits. You make this kind of thing into a sculpture. But a building has an aesthetic value in its livability merged with form, this is just form, and its not even a form that everyone finds aesthetically pleasing. He used the building as an outlet for his art without remaining within the realm of what a building should be.