Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Improv Tuesday: Part 1

Tuesday afternoon a week and a half ago I got out of my Democracy in America class, and finished for the day I sought a cup of coffee at Starbucks.  As I approached the GSU, a place where christians regularly proselytize, I could hear evangelicals rapping on a karaoke type machine somehing about "save the soul, its a revolution of the heart, change your direction and all those around you" blah blah blah rhetoric.  I said to myself "For once Brian, just once, ignore the solicitors and get your coffee." So I walked by them without glancing and went into Starbucks.  After staring at the counter for about 30 seconds I said to myself "What am I doing here?  I said I only went to starbucks because I didn't have time for independent stores and now I am becoming a regular customer.  Its a beautiful day, I am off to North End for real coffee."

As I left the GSU I looked at the rapper and realized that they were not rapping about Christ, but about Obama, and that it was a registration drive.  .  .  .  .  I mistook a rap about Obama for a rap about Christ, I officially validated in an unbiased example everything the republicans are saying.  In honor of the return of Christ I set out.

On my way to the North End I passed city hall, which I pass frequently.  As usual I stood in awe of its 1984 like qualities and how it could be a prison and then I noticed...

That city hall was flying the cuban flag.  Suddenly, through faith in Obama, I was able to see the ultimate truth, that god had created a wormhole linking Boston and Cuba, and that the real city hall was in Guantanamo Bay and that this was actually just one of the many wondrous prison facilities teeming with questionably detained foreigners being tortured by a CIA that even the congress can't seem to get any oversight on.

No seriously, the Cuban flag?  The Boston Communist government likes to show solidaridad with its allies.  When are we going to end that stupid embargo anyway, I love everyone, communist or not.

Once I reached the North End, I remembered that one cafe that had no sign or indication it was a business and became determined to solve the mystery of this "Nameless Cafe" as I had called it to friends.  Finally I found it open, and it had a name on a chalkboard put outside "Theo's Corner, Brazilian Italian cafe"  I was sad that the dream that the cafe might actually be nameless was lost forever but excited that it was Brazilian!  Professor Cati always says Brazilian "Kauw-fay" is the best, but then again she is biased.  Unfortunately the Brazilian man adamantly told me that all of his coffee was Italian and I couldn't get Brazilian here, but that he sympathized with my desire for said drink.  

When asked if they had any pastries, they said no, but they did have muffins.  Being that this in fact did qualify as a pasty in the truest sense, I said that would be a valid substitute.  He then asked if I wanted my muffin grilled.  Thinking that I misheard him and he meant "Warmed up," I said sure.  He cut that sucker in half and threw it on the grill.  Thinking that this was some sort of peculiar secret Brazilian technique that produced a truly superior not pastry muffin, I watched in curiosity.  Lets just say grilled muffin is:  extra greasy, not particularly good.  I recommend you try it just for the experience though.  As my friend Kendall said upon hearing the story, "Lets just start grilling random foods like pickles, and cereal"  (Those were not her exact examples).  Tuesday is officially grill random food day.  Unfortunately I didn't take a picture of the muffin, I did however take a picture of the coffee.

This experience leads to Improv Tuesday part 2 which will be posted when... I get to it.


Guy Faux said...

I'm lichen it. It's a bit confusing, but I like it anyway. Woot for non-communism and coffee! (the obama thing made me laugh)

Guy Faux said...

also, when are you home? because anastazi's needs to be haunted...by us...