Friday, October 24, 2008

Improv Tuesday: Part 2

After drinking coffee it was about 4:00, and I decided, "What the hell, I'm going to see the USS Constitution docked across the harbor" but this was short lived as I got bored as soon as I got there.  After this 40 minute detour I decided impulsively to go to the beach so I hopped on the blue line and rode to Wonderland (The name of the train stop).  Here is Rogue Turtle visiting Revere Beach

I wasn't quite sure what I was going to do at the beach, maybe stare at the ocean, until I saw Nahant in the distance and I remembered that I had vowed to go there when I first saw it on the map.  I had also vowed to go to World's End, Moon & Long Island, Bare Cove Park, and some others, so hopefully I will see them soon but probably not as the weather is getting colder and I have another big trip to make as soon as I get the chance.

Here are some photos of Nahant.  I have to admit I was pretty frustrated because I just couldn't seem to get the shots that I wanted, the houses obstructed my every turn, nor could I find a good shot of a house.  A more skilled photographer would have had a field day.

I ended a very tiring Tuesday having completed no homework, but it was worth it.

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